Pulses Business In
Lohara Block

Since COVID19, India’s pulses sector has been much in news this year with soaring pulses prices, making this staple food & major source of nutrition unaffordable for people.

As a first-time approach, Swayam Shikshan Prayog along with local farmers are aiming to bring clusters of entire villages under pulses production by mobilizing collective commitment & action from farming communities.

The SSP team carried out scoping & identification of pulses cultivation in 20 villages. From sowing to harvesting, SSP team & Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana with support of Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM) converged all agricultural departments & stakeholders to work with farmers on all aspects of production — improved seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, harvesting, cleaning, grading, & selling.

The initiative is aligning all players to establish sustainable pulses production, value chains and marketing systems to foster pulses self-sufficiency.

Pulses Business In
Lohara Block

Since COVID19, India’s pulses sector has been much in news this year with soaring pulses prices, making this staple food & major source of nutrition unaffordable for people.

As a first-time approach, Swayam Shikshan Prayog along with local farmers are aiming to bring clusters of entire villages under pulses production by mobilizing collective commitment & action from farming communities.

The SSP team carried out scoping & identification of pulses cultivation in 20 villages. From sowing to harvesting, SSP team & Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana with support of Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM) converged all agricultural departments & stakeholders to work with farmers on all aspects of production — improved seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, harvesting, cleaning, grading, & selling.

The initiative is aligning all players to establish sustainable pulses production, value chains and marketing systems to foster pulses self-sufficiency.