Elimination of Malpractices In Dairy Business By Forming Focus Groups

Dairy businesses thrive in Tuljapur region of Osmanabad, Maharashtra. This however, does not mean that the farmers get a fare share of the profits. The malpractices around the business, which leaves the farmers with very less returns, often dissuades them from selling the milk to the dairy units.

To understand the problem & identify villages that have the potential of incurring great returns, SSP carried out scoping studies in region. A total of 10 villages who have favourable geographical conditions for livestock rearing were identified. SSP has helped form 26 producer groups with 304 members & established 10 dairies in villages.

Elimination of Malpractices In Dairy Business By Forming Focus Groups

Dairy businesses thrive in Tuljapur region of Osmanabad, Maharashtra. This however, does not mean that the farmers get a fare share of the profits. The malpractices around the business, which leaves the farmers with very less returns, often dissuades them from selling the milk to the dairy units.

To understand the problem & identify villages that have the potential of incurring great returns, SSP carried out scoping studies in region. A total of 10 villages who have favourable geographical conditions for livestock rearing were identified. SSP has helped form 26 producer groups with 304 members & established 10 dairies in villages.

Further, 20 leaders were identified from these producer groups & they have now been trained to for the focus group- “Hirkani Utpadak Sangh”. The Sangh is now instrumental in eliminating the malpractices by overseeing the activities of the 10 dairies & also spreading awareness & knowledge amongst the farmer-entrepreneurs. SSP has tied up with Promothean to ensure technical support & quality control in these dairies.

In a short time of 1 month, the 10 dairies have already reported a turnover of INR 1.75 lakhs.